
How “Opening a Book” Can Improve Parkinson’s Rounded Posture, Shoulder and Neck Pain

It’s true, “Opening a Book” is another great exercise for preventing or treating neck and shoulder pain caused by Parkinson’s rounded posture. This exercise can be added to your foam roller routine and may look a little familiar to the “Open the Newspaper” exercise.

“Opening a Book” is a great way to destress and prevent rounded shoulders. Don’t wait until you have neck pain to do this. It is also great for support partners to relax and energize.

“Opening a Book” Exercise to Relieve Shoulder and Neck Pain

  • Lie vertically on the 36” foam roller so the roller is aligned with your spine. Be sure your head and neck are supported fully, as well as your tailbone.
  • If your head is having to tilt backward to reach the roller, support your head with a pillow so your head is level. You should feel as though you could hold a soft ball under your chin. (Getting into the starting position is sometimes the most difficult part of the exercise).
  • Bend your knees and relax your back and shoulders on the roller until you are steady, balanced and comfortable.
  • Notice your shoulder blades wrapping around the roller as gravity melts your body into the roller. You will feel your body open up.
  • Slowly bend the elbow 90 degrees with the elbow resting on your side ribcage with palms facing up toward your head with thumbs pointed out in each direction.

  • Inhale to prepare, as you exhale, slowly move your hands apart from each other leading with your thumbs to “Open the Book” Keep your elbows on your ribs throughout this exercise.

  • You should feel your shoulders roll backward, and your shoulder blades glide together.
  • Hold for 3 seconds and return on an inhale, bringing your hands together as if to “Close the Book.”

  • Repeat 20 times

Note: If this causes pain, stop and reposition or decrease the range of motion. Always try to keep exercises as pain-free as possible.

Want to make this even more challenging? Add a light theraband to this exercise.
Can’t get to the floor? You can do this exercise seated too, check out the blog post “Improve Posture and Shoulder Pain with These Parkinson’s Super Shoulder Exercises.”

If you would like to see all the exercises you missed, you can check my blog and be sure to sign up for my newsletter to get these exercises and other tips for Parkinson’s delivered straight to your inbox.

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