
Do This Breathing Exercise To Calm Your Nervous System if You Have Parkinson’s

This breathing exercise is a great way to regulate and address shallow breathing caused by anxiety, a common symptom with Parkinson’s. I used it first when I worked in hospital pulmonary rehabilitation, then added it in my Parkinson’s wellness retreats, and now it’s a warm-up in Rebel Fit Club’s Posture School.

If you are not breathing correctly and fully, a host of problems can arise, such as pneumonia, brain fog, and increased inflammation. This is why after you have surgery, a therapist will come into your room and help you breathe deeply.

Practicing deep, full breathing benefits our health in so many ways:

  • Regulates blood pressure and heart rate
  • Reduces levels of cortisol stress hormones in the blood
  • Reduces lactic acid buildup in muscle tissue
  • Neutralizes blood acidity, acting as an anti-inflammatory
  • Improves immune system functioning
  • Increases physical energy
  • Increases feelings of calm and wellbeing

Perform this breathing exercise before your stress gets out of control, and realize you have tools to keep it at bay. It’s simple, and you can do this anywhere with minimal or no equipment.

Watch this video to learn how to use this breathing exercise to calm your nervous system if you have Parkinson’s:

Follow these instructions to perform the exercise:

  • Start by standing or sitting tall, with good posture.
  • Take a resistance band and put it behind your back, bringing the ends around your ribcage. Try to get it flat.
  • Grasp the ends of the band with each hand, with your palms facing upward and thumbs outward. There should be slight tension in the band.
  • Cross each end of the band to the opposite hand. Choke inward on the band so that it feels snug around your ribs.
  • Your arms should be bent at your side with your elbows at 90 degrees. Pretend there is a dollar bill under each elbow.
  • With your palms still up and thumbs pointing outward, inhale. You should feel the band stretch and your hands come closer together. Keep your shoulders down.
  • Exhale and pull the band gently apart. Take slow, controlled breaths.
  • Breathe deeply and evenly, keeping your shoulders down and relaxed.
  • Do not bear down when you do this exercise. It should feel pleasant!
  • Take several breaths like this and repeat as often as you’d like throughout the day.

If you don’t have a resistance band, you can create the same effect by placing your hands around your ribcage instead.

Enjoy the exercise! Put on some soothing music. Maybe invite a partner to join you, or just enjoy your own time and relax. This is good for you.

💜 Coach Kimberly

Ready to take back your fight? 

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