
Are “The Terrible TOOs” Keeping You From Slowing Down Your Parkinson’s Disease?

What do I mean by “The Terrible TOOs”? Well, it’s that time of year when people start hunkering down. The days are shorter and the weather isn’t favorable for outdoor activities. You’re probably busy with the upcoming holidays, and with Covid-19 numbers spiking again, there’s the added fear of going outside of the home.

This is the time of year when you should be planning your winter workout attack. How can you schedule your day so that you can get a great workout in? With Parkinson’s, you must work out or your disease will progress a lot quicker.

The Parkinson’s “Terrible Toos” happen when you let the disease dictate your thoughts, your level of energy, your mood. The tendency is to get depressed.

Watch this video to find out what the “Terrible Toos” are and how you can overcome them:

When I ask people about their winter workout plan, I often hear, “It’s too dark / too wet / too cold / too early / I’m too tired / that’s too late / that’s too much work” … you get the idea. Do any of those sound like things you’ve said?

I want to help you overcome those excuses. How? By bringing you great workouts in the comfort of your home! Our Rebel Fit Club Membership offers live, virtual exercise classes several times a day every day of the week.

Don’t let your Parkinson’s trick you into thinking you can’t possibly do this. You can! We have faith in you to try it and stick with it. It’s fun!

Winter is a great time to train for spring and summer activities. How do you want to look and feel when the weather is nicer? You can choose to meet the sun and fun with energy and enthusiasm, or you can watch everyone else having fun because you let your health and strength deteriorate from sitting for 6 months while waiting for better weather.

We love our fighters; they are tough and determined to slow this disease down. They want to maintain their quality of life and enjoy their families.

We invite you to join us! Visit www.RebelFitClub.com, or email us at fightpd@rebelfitclub.com to get involved in our virtual workouts. What do you have to lose by trying it?

No more “Terrible Toos” folks! Keep fighting!

  • 💜 Kimberly

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