
What “But” Are You Using?

Hello, Mighty Warriors! No, I did not spell “but” incorrectly. I am talking today about the “buts” we use to explain why we are not doing what we need to slow down our Parkinson’s, cognitive decline, depression, and anxiety, and super-charge our independence, confidence and quality of life.

We’ve all seen the research on Parkinson’s-specific workouts to slow the progression of PD and its many symptoms. Even though we make it fun, this is serious business for us at the Rebel Fit Club. It’s not just about fitness—if it were, walking or working out alone would be enough. I’m talking about your brain and how it and the rest of your body—including your gut, heart, and lungs—affect your independence and quality of life.

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Do These Leg Swing Exercises to Combat Parkinson’s Shuffling Gait

You know how you feel stiff and slow-moving sometimes? Do you find yourself taking small, shuffling steps in the morning, or maybe throughout the day? Even if you only periodically take small steps, you’re probably stiff in your hip joints. You must move your legs with full range to loosen that gummed-up joint.

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Do This Parkinson’s “Hitch Hiker” Exercise To Treat Shoulder Pain

Many people with Parkinson’s complain of shoulder pain or injury in addition to their stooped posture. It may seem like these are two different problems, but shoulder pain may be a symptom of dysfunction between the upper back and shoulder blades. If this dysfunction is ignored for too long, it can result in a rotator cuff tear.

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Be Sure to “Lube” up Your Hip Joints Daily if You Have Parkinson’s

Everyone with Parkinson’s will tell you how stiff and slow-moving they are in the morning. Why not take a few minutes to “lube” up those joints and muscles to help you get a better workout, or just make your day more enjoyable?

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Do This Sacral Rock-Back to Offset Parkinson’s Stiffness

When I ask my fighters if they warm up their bodies at home before starting their day, I get a variety of answers ranging from, “I do yoga every morning,” to “I stretch a little before I get out of bed,” to “I don’t have time.”

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