Alert! Tigard classes are cancelled tomorrow Friday Feb 14.



How Did April And Tulips Become The Symbol For Parkinson’s Disease?

It is April, which marks Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month, and I proudly wear my tulip pin every day. However, I still have so many people (with and without Parkinson’s) ask me what my pin symbolizes. I wanted to write this blog to ensure that my readers are among the people who can explain the story behind the Parkinson’s Tulip.
World Parkinson’s Day was instituted on April 11th, 1997 to commemorate the birthday of Dr. James Parkinson, the man who first formally identified the disease in 1817 (over 200 years ago!) in his work “An Essay on the Shaking Palsy.”

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Have Parkinson’s? Do This to Combat the Effects of Prolonged Sitting

Research shows that sitting too much is one of the biggest potential threats to our health, and it makes Parkinson’s progress faster.

A little tough love, everyone: with PD, you just cannot do this. We must break this habit of sitting most of the day! 💪❤️

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Do You Have Stiff Hands and Brain Fog? Do This Fun Parkinson’s Exercise

This finger exercise is one of many Hand/Eye/Brain exercises we use in our classes here at the Rebel Fit Club. It’s fun and interactive, and if you really want a challenge, you can try adding your voice!

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Do This Cross-Touch To Treat Parkinson’s Stooped Posture and Weak Core

We have Posture School going on right now at the Rebel Fit Club, and one of the exercises we’re working on is the “Cross-Touch.” This is one of my favorite exercises because it does so much with so little movement.

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Sitting Too Much Because of Parkinson’s? Do This Easy Leg-Arm Sequencing Exercise

Research shows that sitting too much is one of the biggest potential threats to our health, and it makes Parkinson’s progress faster.

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