
Have You Ever Thought of Yourself As An Action Figure?

Years ago, while I was working in a health club, these two little kids (a brother and sister) were convinced that I was Kimberly, the Pink Power Ranger. They thought I fought crime at night and worked as a personal trainer by day. Knowing very little about the Power Rangers, I had to brush up on the characters to answer their questions about Tommy, the other Rangers, and what criminals we took down. All of this was very exciting to them. After all, they were talking to a super-hero! And for me, well, how often do we get to play a super-hero?

The answer is EVERY DAY! We are all super-hero action figures. It’s true! Each of us is born with jointed limbs and superpowers. We are not stick figures.

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3 Must Do Parkinson’s Back Stretches If You Like To Work In The Yard

Every spring, many of my Parkinson’s clients come to see me following a beautiful sunny weekend and they complain of a very sore back. Was it from some athletic sport they just participated in? No. Usually it is from garden and yard work! We imagine that we have one day to get everything done, which often leads to sore and over-worked backs. Yard work and gardening are almost always forward flexing of the spine, which is particularly bad if you have Parkinson’s disease. This leads to very painful, over-stretched back muscles, which may keep you from participating in the normal exercise classes that you need to help your PD.

The following are some simple pre and post yard work survival back stretches to get you ready for all that hard work! Don’t forget to keep stretching during breaks and take time to relax the back afterward.

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What Can I Do About My Parkinson’s Dry Eye?

My fighters often complain that their eyes are watering or feeling gravelly and red. For people with Parkinson’s, dry eye can be a common problem for a number of reasons. Today we are only going to talk about meibomian gland disease (MGD) caused by Parkinson’s disease.

Remember, I don’t give bad news without a treatment or action to take, so read on..

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Why All Women with Parkinson’s Should Lift Weights

This is a continuation of my earlier blogs on the topics of why women are different than men, and why boxing training is effective for PD.

I have trained women for over 25 years and always emphasize to them the importance of weight training. Being a woman myself, I can tell you that the biggest changes come from resistive training – i.e., lifting weights. We have women-only boxing and bootcamp classes for ladies with Parkinson’s because women need something a little different than men do. Here’s why:

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Why Is My Boxing Program Helping the Progression Of Parkinson’s?

I’m often asked by people new to our program why it works so well. It is always so invigorating to share our results and explain it to others. However, it wasn’t until one of my current fighters asked, “Why is this helping me?”, that I realized sometimes we need to stop and revisit “why”, because it seems so counterintuitive to do something like boxing.

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