
Do the Goal Post Glide to Treat Parkinson’s Posture

I just started the next round of Rebel Fit Club’s Posture School, a five-week course to help people learn about their bodies and how to strengthen and stretch their backs properly. This course helps students counteract the neurological forward-pulling and muscle tightening that happens with Parkinson’s and just aging in general. Stooped posture causes pain, breathing and swallowing difficulty, inadequate blood flow to the brain, and balance issues.

The Goal Post Glide is one of the warm-up exercises I use in the Posture School five-week course at the Rebel Fit Club. You can do it to start or end your day in great alignment. Using props, such as a bath towel or rolled yoga mat, will help you get into the correct position without straining your shoulders or lower back. This exercise should feel so good! If you have pain in your shoulders or back, prop yourself up more or perform it seated.

Watch this video to learn how to perform the Goal Post Glide to Treat Parkinson’s Posture:

Here are the step-by-step instructions to do this exercise:

  • Place a rolled towel or yoga mat lengthwise on your flat mat. You can also put a small prop under your forehead. Lie on the rolled towel with the roll under your hips.
  • Set your core by slightly lifting your belly button, and feel the activation in your abdominals and pelvic floor to support your lower back. Avoid squeezing or pinching your body in two.
  • Your arms should be in Goal Post or Cactus Pose. Your eyes should be looking down with the top of your head pointed forward.
  • Inhale to prepare, and on the exhale lift your Goal Post arms, leading with your elbows and keeping your hands, elbows, and shoulders all in line.
  • Lift your chest up as high as you are comfortable with. You should not feel any pain in your shoulders or back. Your eyes should remain looking down. Then, lower your body with control.
  • Repeat five to 10 repetitions with good, controlled form. Then, sit back into Child’s Pose to stretch out your back and hips.
  • To perform this exercise in a chair, sit up tall, engage your core, and put your arms in the Goal Post position. Pull your elbows and forearms back and feel your shoulder blades glide together.

💜 Coach Kimberly

Now in Session: Rebel Fit Club’s Posture School—In-Person and Virtual!

Coach Kimberly instructs this five-week exercise series to address one of the most problematic symptoms of Parkinson’s: stooped posture, which causes falls, pain, and crowds your breathing and digestion. You will learn lifelong exercises that you can do every day to prevent or treat poor posture. We also offer an in-person, seated version of this class for our fighters who can’t exercise on the floor. If you want to feel stronger, sit and stand straighter, and move better, contact Kimberly today to get on the list for our next session!

Would you like to be a part of our Posture School, but live too far away to come to the Rebel Fit Club? Not a problem—we have Virtual Posture School!

There are many benefits to taking Posture School virtually:

  • Classes are taught in an easy, step-by-step, building block process.
  • You get a new workout five days a week for five weeks—that equals 25 workouts!
  • You get to do it in your own home, so no need to miss out because you live too far away.
  • You can ask a loved one to join you in the workouts.
  • Workouts are recorded, so you pick the time of day that’s most convenient for you.
  • You can also go back to previous workouts if one feels especially helpful.

** This course is for people who can get up and down from the ground easily and independently. If you are at high risk for falls, ask about our seated version of Posture School.

The introductory price for Virtual Posture School is just $49! Click here to purchase.

Ready to take back your fight? 

Contact me to get started in Kimberly Berg’s Rebel Fit Club Parkinson’s Boxing classes today. We have online workouts, too!

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