
Do You Have Parkinson’s? Want an Exercise To Prevent Falls? Use A Wall!

You have to keep your glutes and back muscles strong to maintain your balance and prevent falls.  Here is another great way to workout in your home with the safety of using a wall. We all have access to a wall! Just make sure it doesn’t have any windows or pictures to hit your head on.

Statistics show most falls happen sideways, and in your own home. This is a great way to practice walking sideways safely and work the muscles that help with balance… your glutes!

See video below:

First Exercise: Wall Walking

  • Start by standing tall with your back against a wall. Palms of your hands can either be facing forward or towards the wall. 
  • Make sure your feet and toes are pointed straight in front of you. They need to stay facing straight the whole time you are doing this exercise to activate the glute muscles.
  • Take a big step to the side while keeping your toes straight ahead.
  • Follow with the other foot, but leave room between your two feet. Think big step, little step.
  • Do several steps in each direction for as long as there is room to keep stepping. Then change direction.
  • You can add bonuses by counting, singing, or reciting a poem.
  • Do this in 3-minute intervals throughout the day.

Second Exercise: The Wind Tunnel

  • Start by standing tall with your back against the wall. The back of your hands should be against the wall too, with your fingers spread for this exercise. 
  • Take a deep breath and pretend you are in a wind tunnel.
  • As you exhale press your body into the wall, including the back of your hands. Vocalize “Ahhhhhh!” and open your eyes and mouth wide.
  • Do this several times. Really press back and think tall the whole time.

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