
Have You Ever Thought of Yourself As An Action Figure?

Years ago, while I was working in a health club, these two little kids (a brother and sister) were convinced that I was Kimberly, the Pink Power Ranger. They thought I fought crime at night and worked as a personal trainer by day. Knowing very little about the Power Rangers, I had to brush up on the characters to answer their questions about Tommy, the other Rangers, and what criminals we took down. All of this was very exciting to them. After all, they were talking to a super-hero! And for me, well, how often do we get to play a super-hero?

The answer is EVERY DAY! We are all super-hero action figures. It’s true! Each of us is born with jointed limbs and superpowers. We are not stick figures.

It is a gift to be able to move. When I was little, my Barbies all had dislocated hips from being forced to ride Breyer horses. Their legs had to be held in place by rubber bands! They weren’t meant to move like that, but we are!!

What does all of this mean? It means we are truly designed to move. Movement is tied into every system of the body; cardiovascular, pulmonary, lymphatic, digestive, endocrine, musculoskeletal, renal, and nervous. Every function of our body requires and performs more efficiently if we move regularly. I mean DAILY, all day.

If you stop moving, your body perceives that you’re done thriving (basically you are dying) and begins slowly shutting down. Movement is a nutrient and needs to be obtained many times a day, and every day.

I’m not just talking about exercise. If you ask a child about exercise, they don’t know what you mean. Exercise is an adult concept that means “just move for an hour or more and sit the rest of the day”. Children move constantly, and so should we!

We all know someone who quit moving and slowly withered away physically and mentally.

Movement is medicine and the most powerful one you can give your body. It is why we have jointed limbs and an amazing system to support it.

My coaches and I offer multiple classes per week to keep you moving. Click here to view our current class schedule. We hope you’ll join us!”

Please keep moving, even if you don’t feel like it. If you have a hurting joint, move everything else. Be a super-hero, it’s your design!

With warmest wishes of movement,
💜 Coach Kimberly

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