
How Do I Give 100% When Parkinson’s Makes Me Feel Less Than 100%?

I was talking to Nathan “Nate” Quarry the other day. Nate is a retired American mixed martial arts fighter who is most notable for his appearance in The Ultimate Fighter.

While we were talking about injuries, he humbly shared his stories of devastating back injuries and multiple surgeries. Despite those challenges, he still takes jujitsu classes and competes occasionally. I asked him if it was difficult to accept the fact he could no longer fight or train at that high level? Nate said, “Yes. of course. There is a period of mourning the loss of your prior self, but you must keep moving forward. It doesn’t mean you give in. You still must give 100% of where you are now, even though that 100% isn’t where it used to be.”

That was a quotable for sure! It made me think of my fighters who are currently struggling, or other people who have given up, or don’t even try. Competitive fighters are expected to give 100%, even when they are losing a match they must stay in the game and give 100%.

Photo by Jaime Valdez

My fighter’s family members tell me that their loved ones say things like:

  • “I don’t feel great today. Why should I go to class?”
  • “Why should I try a new class? I probably can’t keep up.”
  • “I haven’t been to class lately. I feel stiff and terrible, and it is going to take too much to catch up to where I was.”

Everyday your 100% changes, and you must give 100% so that the bar doesn’t slip lower. DO IT! Get to class and tell the coach that you’re having a tough day, but that you are going to give it your 100% effort.

– Coach Kimberly

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