Alert! Tigard classes are cancelled tomorrow Friday Feb 14.

I Have Parkinson’s & Need Home Exercises for Stress & Breathing

Due to the COVID-19 virus, many people find themselves at home with very few resources. But I don’t want you feeling alone and stressed. We are going to do this quarantine thing right, starting with breathing!

The video below is a great breathing exercise I used all the time when I worked in hospital pulmonary rehabilitation, and when I taught at Parkinson’s wellness retreats. If you are not breathing right or fully, a host of problems can arise (like pneumonia). This is why after you have a surgery, a therapist will come into your room and help you breathe deeply.

Do this exercise before your stress gets too bad, and before you get stiff from not going to your exercise class that you are unable to take deep breaths. I think it is fun, and you can do this anywhere with minimal or no equipment.

Here we go folks:

  • Start standing or sitting tall with good posture in a chair without arms (but arms are ok too).
  • Take the exercise band and put it behind your back, and bring ends around your ribcage.
  • Grasp the ends of the band with each hand, palms facing upward and thumbs outward, with slight tension in the band.
  • Cross the ends of the band to opposite hands. Choke inward on the band so it’s snug around your ribs.
  • Arms should be bent at your side with your elbows at 90 degrees. Pretend there is a quarter between your elbow and ribcage.
  • With palms still up and thumbs pointing outward, inhale.  You should feel the band stretch and your hands come closer together. Keep your shoulders down.
  • Exhale and pull the band gently apart.
  • Breathe deep and evenly, keeping your shoulders down and relaxed.
  • You can also wrap your hands around your ribs and do the same thing.
  • Do this as often as you’d like and for several breaths.
  • Try holding your breath, counting to 10, then exhaling.
  • Do not bear down when you do this. Just make it pleasant.

Enjoy the exercise! Put on some soothing music. Maybe invite a partner to join you, or just enjoy your own time and relax. This is good for your immune system.

  • 💜 Coach Kimberly

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