
I Teach Parkinson’s Exercise… What’s Your Super Power?

Meet Super Hero Jan Beyer

I recently gave a talk about Parkinson’s exercise programming and how our classes are designed with great, up-to-date research that drives every class. I also spoke about how we hire the best and most Parkinson’s-experienced coaches who use hands-on instruction with our fighters. Because our coaches are the best, I thought it would be great to introduce you to these super heroes! I want you to know why I selected them and the special gift that each of them bring to our amazing team.

If you read Jan’s bio you can clearly see why she is so good coaching our Rock Steady Boxing: SW Washington Classes. Jan has a Master’s degree in Health Education and 2 Bachelor degrees; one in Physical Education and the other in Exercise Science. She is an American Council on Exercise (ACE) certified personal trainer and movement disorder specialist with over 35 years of experience. Her training includes; Oregon Health and Sciences: EE (Exercise and Education) for PD research instructor, Team PD: balance and agility training, Parkinson’s Wellness and Recovery (PWR) Certified instructor and has worked at PWR retreats for the headquarters in Arizona.

Jan holds other instructor certifications such as Power for Parkinson’s, Tai Chi for Better Balance, Staying Active for Independent Life (SAIL), Aqua Stretch, Neuro-Com Master Trainer, Silver & Fit and Silver Sneaker Instructor/Advisor. No wonder she has such compassion and drive to help others! The fighters in her classes say she is so in-tune with their progress, and is quick to modify an exercise if they need it for their daily changing symptoms so that they don’t miss a beat. “She is one AWESOME coach!” says Arlin, a fighter in her class.

Jan’s moto: “It has been my lifelong ambition to educate, motive, and inspire people to exercise and have fun doing it. After all, if you don’t use it, you will lose it!”

On a personal note, Jan loves climbing mountains including Mount Hood, Mount Saint Helens and Mount Adams. She is also a huge animal lover and enjoys spending time with her family.

I call Jan my “Poop Sister”, because like myself, she believes we need to educate our fighters about the importance of “going” daily. We also share our love of the Poop emoji! 💩 In fact, Jan occasionally gives me gifts to remind me of our special bond.

Hats off and a giant love to our Coach Jan for keeping our Rock Steady Boxing: SW Washington in Vancouver classes fighting hard!

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