
If You Have Parkinson’s and Want to Improve Your Posture, Plan It and “Chunk It Out”

Every January people joke about New Year’s resolutions. Why? Because most people make a resolution in January, and by February their resolution is already a distant memory. I see it every year.

Why does this happen? Because they didn’t have a plan in place! People jump into their fitness-related resolution with only a vague idea of what “getting in shape” should look like. After trying for a short amount of time and not seeing change, other factors are blamed (like their schedule or something else).

Our Rebel Fit Club Fighters are smart. These individuals with Parkinson’s disease have already been working out virtually for the past 10 months, so they’ve done the groundwork.

I’m excited to teach you what I’ve taught them! Let’s go the extra mile together; this will be fun and rewarding.


Let’s say your goal for 2021 is better posture. How will you get better posture? By making a plan, being really S.M.A.R.T., and chunking it out!

  1. S – Be Specific and plan a StrategyWrite down the end result and work backwards. If you want better posture, what does that take?Make a Plan of Action, like you would if you were building a birdhouse.
  2. M – Your Plan must be Measurable, and you must be Motivated. You must want this outcome more than anybody else. You deserve to be able to stand straight.
  3. A – Go into it with a great Attitude. Be gentle with yourself, make it fun. Remember, this is new. Your goal must be Attainable. Your plan must be something you believe you can do. Make each day and week a mini “chunk-able” goal. If you fall off the “CHUNK” wagon, hop back on before you lose momentum! You are only human, things happen. Just make sure you are moving forward.
  4. R – Get Ready, you can do this! What do you have to lose? Don’t put it off. The sooner the better, or you risk not doing it at all. Be honest with yourself. Make your first step small and Realistic. Gain confidence, then keep dreaming big as you go along.
  5. T – Make sure you have Teachers and Tools. You need to keep yourself accountable. Hire a personal trainer and do a few sessions to get started. Tell people about your goals.

Remember, if you had no idea how to build a birdhouse, you’d find a pattern, buy a saw, hammer, and nails, and maybe ask someone to help you. Getting professional help to launch your plan can be extremely beneficial.


If your goal is that you want to have better posture:

  • You want to have better posture by March
  • Develop a plan (maybe you need help doing this)
  • To stand up straighter you need to work on it daily. You will have to be stronger in your upper back. How will you do this? Sign up and attend a Virtual Parkinson’s Exercise Class with stretching and strengthening. Do a session most days to improve your posture.
  • Establish triggers to remind you. When you wake up, when you eat, take your pills, before/after watching TV… “Stand up really straight!”. Set a time every other hour to stand up straight.
  • If you have been consistent daily for a week, see if you can increase your strengthening exercises. How many times per day do you stand up straight? Make it fun or you won’t to it.
  • Write it down so you know how much you’ve done. Then do a little more for the next week. 
  • Tell yourself throughout the day that you look more confident and healthier. You’re able to breathe, speak, and swallow better when you stand straight.  What a great thing to do for yourself!

We can do this together! Be S.M.A.R.T. You can stand straighter, but you’ve got to want it! Go Forth and Conquer!

  • 💜 Coach Kimberly

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