
If You Have Parkinson’s Let’s Spring into Action Together and Stretch Our Backs for Gardening

Gardening and spring cleaning are so good for our mental well-being, but they can often cause a host of aches and pains, especially if you have Parkinson’s. Why? Because gardening requires us to twist, bend, and reach, causing us to spend too much time in precarious positions that are not healthy for our bodies. This is all compounded by the limited window of fair-weather opportunities we have here in the Northwest.

If this sounds like something you need to learn more about, it’s your lucky day! I’m teaching a Free 30-minute live mini-class on techniques for proper stretching to get you ready for spring activities. Click below to learn more.

Let’s start by thinking of gardening as a workout. First, you need a warm-up. Jumping right into gardening with cold muscles is never a good idea. It may save you time in the beginning, but in the long run it will result in pain and may set you back for several days. 

After you’ve warmed up, you should do several extension exercises. Gardening and yard work almost always involve forward flexing of the spine, which is particularly bad if you have Parkinson’s disease.

Let’s all Spring into Action together and stretch our backs for gardening. All you have to  do is click the link below TODAY, Monday, March 15 @ 12 noon PST and you will get to join me live!! Woo Hoo!


Anyone is welcome, so please share this link. See you later today for some fun and informative tips!

💜, Coach Kimberly

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