
If You Want To Correct Parkinson’s Posture, Open the Newspaper!

So often we “pinch” or “squeeze” our shoulder blades together trying to stand straighter. Even well-meaning health professionals use this cue to correct their clients’ posture. This motion puts your back, shoulders, and neck in an unhealthy position, creating more pain and dysfunction.

Your shoulder blades should “glide and float” on your ribs. If you have a stooped posture, your shoulder blades can’t sit or glide normally on the ribs, causing pain in your upper back and shoulders.

The “Open the Newspaper” Exercise is a great way to remind your shoulder blades where neutral position is, and it promotes a healthy range of motion of the scapula (shoulder blades). All you need is a full-size (36-inch) foam roller.

Watch my video below to learn how to do the “Open the Newspaper” Foam Roller Exercise:

Here are the instructions to do the “Open the Newspaper” Foam Roller Exercise:

  • Start by lying face up on the foam roller so it is aligned with your spine. Be sure that both your head and tailbone are supported fully.
  • If your head is tilting backward to reach the roller, support your head with a pillow. Pretend to hold a softball under your chin.
  • Bend your knees and relax your back and shoulders on the roller.
  • Once you’re balanced and comfortable, slowly outstretch your arms to the side. If you feel any discomfort or pain, only go as far as your body will let you.
  • In this rested position, notice your shoulder blades wrapping around the roller as gravity melts your body into the roller. You will feel your body open.
  • To start opening the newspaper, extend your arms out to the side in a “T.”
  • Exhale, slowly begin to lift your arms to the ceiling over your chest, and touch your hands together as if you’re closing a giant newspaper.
  • Inhale and open your outstretched arms to the floor, as if to open the newspaper.
  • Repeat this 20 times and do it daily with your other foam roller exercises.

Be sure to check out the other videos in my foam roller exercise series:

💜 Coach Kimberly

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