
Are You Making These “Terrible Too” Excuses?

When days get darker and the holiday bustle starts sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves. We are doing so much for others, we just don’t have anything left for ourselves.

Remember this, if we don’t take care of ourselves we won’t be able to take care of others. In fact, if we stop taking care of ourselves, our family will have to take care of us. With Parkinson’s EVERY single day counts. Each day you miss your stretching, hydration and exercise class, you go backwards. You must keep fighting, and pushing forward.

Do you hear yourself using these excuses, these are the “terrible too’s”?

  • Too Tired
  • Too Rainy
  • Too Cold
  • Too Far
  • Too Busy
  • Too Expensive
  • Too much going on, I’ll do after the holidays

Any of these excuses you can overcome. Your health matters more now than ever before. It takes priority. Move forward and help yourself heal. Move with intent, always. Exaggerate your actions, swing those arms like you are beating a drum behind and in front of you. Pick up your feet! Reach up! Stand proud and tall with impeccable posture. It’s not about exercise, it’s about loving yourself enough to stay independent. Take time to care for yourself.

Ready to fight back Parkinson’s? Schedule an evaluation to get started in Kimberly Berg’s Rock Steady Boxing classes today.

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