
Moving Right is the Key to Pain-Free with PD

It’s always fun having my long-time colleagues in the Rebel Fit Club. I respect their knowledge and experience so much. Like myself, they are convinced that people need to move correctly to get out of pain, regardless of Parkinson’s. My friend Connie Bear (a Titlist Performance Institute Certified Trainer) came to the gym to train one of my fighters. Calling her a “trainer” isn’t doing her experience and expertise justice. Connie is a biomechanical corrective movement therapist.

What she does is not limited to golf… it’s about moving right. Like my own clients, Connie’s clients start with her because they have pain and their quality of life has diminished. Our clients stay with us (some for over 20 years now) because we keep them pain free and they are able to continue traveling and enjoying life.

You’re probably thinking, “I exercise to get my heart rate up, and I lift weights… I’m good.” That is good. However, if you aren’t moving correctly, all of the exercise in the world isn’t going to take away that pain or relieve those tight muscles. If your hips aren’t balanced/flexors tights/glutes weak or not firing, then you have a movement issue and the pain will continue until you get this corrected through retraining.

The good news is that it’s muscles and mindfulness. Like Connie says, “It’s up there. People can change their movement patterns, but they need to have a professional’s eyes on them to tell them what they are doing incorrectly and how to change it.” I say Amen!!!

Moving “BIG” is good to reinforce larger movements if you have PD, but you must move BIG “Correctly” or you will have pain (either now or later). Big global movements use primary mover muscles. If your internal stabilizers in your core and hips are not firing, pain will result. Take boxing for example… it’s great exercise, but if you aren’t sequentially moving your ankles, hips, upper back and head, you could wind up with back pain, shoulder pain, or tear your rotator cuff.

We want to keep our fighter’s bodies moving right, and pain-free, so that they can enjoy life to the fullest. Moving correctly and engaging the right muscles at the right time is key for people with Parkinson’s.

We will soon be offering movement training seminars here at Rebel Fit Club. If you own a body and want to move right you will benefit from these trainings, even more so if you have PD. That means you too spouses!

Contact Kimberly if you are interested in our intro course: “Moving Right with Connie Bear”. We can only take 10 people per class to ensure each person gets specialized attention. Golfers have a special incentive to attend… it’s called golf season, and it will be here before you know it!

Keep Swinging (golfing or boxing – it’s all important).

  • 💜 Coach Kimberly

P.S. Don’t live in the area? Hang tight, because we have an extra something for you! Send us an email and let us know if you are interested.

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