Alert! Tigard classes are cancelled tomorrow Friday Feb 14.

Sitting Too Much Because of Parkinson’s? Do This Easy Leg-Arm Sequencing Exercise

Research shows that sitting too much is one of the biggest potential threats to our health, and it makes Parkinson’s progress faster.

Family members who call me asking about our programs often say their loved one “sits all day.” With PD, you just cannot do this. Your health will decline rapidly and your symptoms will progress faster if you sit for long periods watching TV, using the computer, or reading.

“We are sitting ourselves to death,” says James Levine, a professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic. “The chair is out to kill us.”

Did you know your metabolism slows down by 90 percent after just 30 minutes of sitting? That means YOU slow down after 30 minutes of sitting—and it makes all your PD symptoms a lot worse.

It’s time to break up the time we spend sitting with body and brain activity. We must end this habit of sitting most of the day! 

Watch this video to learn how to break up your sitting time and wake up your body by doing this leg-arm sequencing exercise:

It’s an easy exercise, and you can make it fun! Try it with a brain boost, like listing things in alphabetical order or singing a song. It’s great for your voice and your cognition.

For every 30 minutes you spend sitting, do this exercise for five minutes.

💜 Coach Kimberly

Now in Session: Rebel Fit Club’s Posture School—In-Person and Virtual!

Coach Kimberly instructs this five-week exercise series to address one of the most problematic symptoms of Parkinson’s: stooped posture, which causes falls, pain, and crowds your breathing and digestion. You will learn lifelong exercises that you can do every day to prevent or treat poor posture. We also offer an in-person, seated version of this class for our fighters who can’t exercise on the floor. If you want to feel stronger, sit and stand straighter, and move better, contact Kimberly today to get on the list for our next session!

Would you like to be a part of our Posture School, but live too far away to come to the Rebel Fit Club? Not a problem—we also have Virtual Posture School!

Ready to take back your fight? 

Contact me to get started in Kimberly Berg’s Rebel Fit Club Parkinson’s Boxing classes today. We have online workouts, too!

Subscribe now to get more tips and exercises for Parkinson’s delivered right to your inbox!

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