Alert! Tigard classes are cancelled tomorrow Friday Feb 14.

Find and Activate Your Glutes “Squeeze Your Bum, Bum, Bum” for Parkinson’s

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I hear this often “I just don’t feel like moving,” or “My husband sits all day long and doesn’t want to get up and even go for a walk.” It’s not just men, it’s the ladies too. Between computers, T.V., driving, eating, and just having low energy from Parkinson’s causes us to sit too much.

It’s a vicious cycle, Parkinson’s causes low energy and apathy, you give into it by sitting, then the sitting causes a variety of maladies including tight muscles and back pain, so you don’t feel like being active because your back hurts.

Take a “movement” break every 30 minutes. In a published study of nearly 8,000 adults, Annals of Internal Medicine found that sitting for excessively long periods of time is a risk factor for early death, and people who sat for less than 30 minutes at a time had the lowest risk of early death. Continue reading “Find and Activate Your Glutes “Squeeze Your Bum, Bum, Bum” for Parkinson’s”