Way to go fighters! You’re getting great at these bridges, now we are really going to challenge you. The Table Top Tail Taps sounds like a new dance move, but it is really a great variation of the bridge with marching. If you have been doing that exercise regularly, you may be ready to start the Table Top Tail Taps bridge variation.
As with the marching, you are using only 3 points of support, but now you are actively contracting and firing up the supporting glute. You need to make sure the lifted hips stay level by activating your transverse abdominals and keep that supported knee in-line with the foot. It most certainly will try to splay out to avoid lengthening the hip flexors which we want to lengthen.
Why is this important? Parkinson’s Lazy Bum is real and usually due to neuro disconnect aggravated also by too much sitting. This disconnection changes the mechanics and motor programming of the body, leading to muscle groups becoming overactive, and others becoming underactive resulting in injury. Glute activation is waking up your glutes, making the connection from your brain to your muscles. Continue reading “Do This Bridge Variation with Table Top Tail Taps to Fix Parkinson’s Lazy Bum”