
Honor thy Journey, Neil Diamond

Everyone has their own unique journey.

My journey is to help people move correctly and limit pain to slow the progression of Parkinson’s and to empower them live the life they love.

My heart was heavy when I heard the news of our beloved Neil Diamond being diagnosed with Parkinson’s. He had completed 2 of the 3 legs of a huge world-wide tour which involved a rigorous schedule and 50 live shows.

At age 77, most people would become exhausted and perhaps not even attempt it. After all, how many bands break up or young artists have breakdowns because of the stress and pressure of the road. But Neil Diamond wanted to celebrate 50 years of entertaining with 50 shows. Continue reading “Honor thy Journey, Neil Diamond”

Are You Making These “Terrible Too” Excuses?

When days get darker and the holiday bustle starts sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves. We are doing so much for others, we just don’t have anything left for ourselves.

Remember this, if we don’t take care of ourselves we won’t be able to take care of others. In fact, if we stop taking care of ourselves, our family will have to take care of us. With Parkinson’s EVERY single day counts. Each day you miss your stretching, hydration and exercise class, you go backwards. You must keep fighting, and pushing forward. Continue reading “Are You Making These “Terrible Too” Excuses?”

“Stay strong, keep going!” — A Motivational Note to Those Fighting Parkinson’s

I tell my struggling fighters “Stay strong, keep going!” all the time. This fight is hard. It is not easy, but it will be worth it if you keep fighting.

Show people, and yourself, what you are made of. You will not give in to the disease. Take action with intent to recover; the coaches and your greatest fans are always close by to cheer you on.

You have gifts, experiences, and strengths, that Parkinson’s can not take away. Share them with others, let people know you are still that same person before your symptoms occurred, stay in this fight!

Keep your expectations high and the bar lifted. Rise to the highest level you can take yourself. No one can do it for you, go beyond the symptoms of PD and be your authentic self.

Your destiny is in your hands and you can change your brain. Research supports this. Continue reading ““Stay strong, keep going!” — A Motivational Note to Those Fighting Parkinson’s”