
Positive Affirmation Stability Ball Extension Exercise to Treat Parkinson’s Rounded Posture

Today’s stability ball exercise is a great next step to the back extension exercise demonstrated earlier. Back extensions over a ball are a great way to strengthen upper back; erector spinae (extensor muscles that help you stand erect), posterior rotator cuff, and shoulder blade stabilizers which all treat Parkinson’s rounded posture. By adding positive affirmations, you are increasing the intensity for muscular endurance in the extended position, plus adding uplifting cognitive multitask.

This exercise not only helps with muscular strength and endurance of the upper back, it’s a great rotator cuff exercise. Continue reading “Positive Affirmation Stability Ball Extension Exercise to Treat Parkinson’s Rounded Posture”

Strengthen Upper Back Muscles and Treat Parkinson’s Rounded Posture with this Stability Ball Exercise

The upper back muscles (erector spinae) help you stand erect. By strengthening these muscles, we’re counteracting the rounded posture typical with Parkinson’s.
The back extension exercise I’m demonstrating today not only helps strengthen the upper back to treat Parkinson’s rounded posture, but it also is an integral part of any rotator cuff rehab/prehab exercise program. This exercise strengthens and activates the posterior rotator cuff and scapula (shoulder blade) stabilizers, which is important as shoulder pain is very common in Parkinson’s. Continue reading “Strengthen Upper Back Muscles and Treat Parkinson’s Rounded Posture with this Stability Ball Exercise”