
Ten Reasons Why a Parkinson’s Power Nap Is Beneficial

A NASA study on sleepy military pilots and astronauts found that a short power nap improved performance by 34% and alertness 100%.

As you sleep, your body actually repairs and restores itself. “Think of sleep as the tune-up you need to run smoothly,” says David M. Rapoport, MD. Rapoport is director of the Sleep Medicine Program at NYU Langone Medical Center. When you sleep, your brain sorts through all the information it took in throughout out the day “It decides what to store and what to toss,” Rapoport says. “The important details become memories you can call upon later”.

As you nap, your brain triggers the release of hormones that encourage tissue growth. This can help you recover from injuries such as cuts or even sore muscles from your last workout. Your body actually makes more white blood cells that attack viruses, bacteria and reduces stress hormones which may curb inflammation, reported from the Center for Sleep Disorders at Loyola University Medical Center.

Naps have great benefits for all adults, but they can be especially helpful for people with PD who may not get quality sleep at night.

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