
What to Do If Someone Is Having a Stroke If They Have Parkinson’s


February is heart month, so it’s the perfect time to talk about the cardiovascular system and how to keep it healthy!

I’ve worked in cardiac rehabilitation since 1994, I am passionate about educating the public about prevention of heart disease and stroke.

An analysis suggests a link between Parkinson’s disease and the risk for stroke. It’s not clear which causes which since there are types of Parkinsonisms that are vascular and probably due to a stroke or many mini strokes. Researchers aren’t quite sure if Parkinson’s somehow raises the risk for ischemic stroke (caused by a clot) or if having a stroke weakens the brain, raising the risk that a patient will develop Parkinson’s.

Regardless of the reason, everyone should minimize their risk of stroke by abstaining from smoking and excessive alcohol intake, getting regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, controlling high blood pressure, preventing diabetes, and reducing stress. Continue reading “What to Do If Someone Is Having a Stroke If They Have Parkinson’s”