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Twenty-Two Years with Parkinson’s and Living a Full Life

People with Parkinson’s who are typically spotlighted as “high functioning” and going after life with vigor are often still in their first few years after being diagnosed. However, I wanted to share a story of hope and proof of someone who was diagnosed at age 37, and yet 22 years later, is still going strong!

Meet Ken. He was diagnosed in 1997 shortly after experiencing a traumatic event. He noticed that his hand, while holding a soda can, started shaking and wouldn’t stop. This new father and business owner of a die cutting company was shocked, as you can imagine.

He and his wife, Tricia, have been married for 35 years. Ken is retired now, and since he has always loved to fish, he and Tricia decided to pursue his dream of moving to a boat house by the river where they took their 3 kids to ride bikes when they were little.

To combat his Parkinson’s symptoms, Tricia and Ken walked 2 miles several days per week, but that wasn’t enough. Ken needed more intense exercise and stretching to stave off the symptoms. That’s when a friend told them about Rock Steady Boxing, Portland.

Now Ken boxes in my SE Portland 1-2 level class for people who are higher functioning, and he is getting stronger and faster. He’s motivated because he has to be able to reel in the big fish he catches.

Ken says, “I have a boat and go out by myself. I like to fish Chinook and Steelhead salmon”. He also wants to go after a big 7-foot sturgeon that swims by their house. Being really strong and having great balance will be key to that goal.

For those who may be wondering, Ken has not had Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). He is just on Sinemet, Mirapex, and exercise.

Ken says that he loves hanging out with his wife, his 3 grown children, 2 grandchildren, and his cat Dennis (named after Dennis Rodman).

If you ask Tricia, Ken likes to read, but only when he can’t fish. Now he has a new routine which is as important as his medication… boxing! And it’s something he really enjoys.

We are so happy to share Ken’s story during April and Parkinson’s Awareness Month. For us, being aware includes success stories, and giving HOPE that even after having PD for 22 years, you can still love your life. We love our fighters, and we love Ken and Tricia for sharing their story.

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