
How to Use Your Noodle to Improve Parkinson’s Stooped Posture

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I recently gave my Coaches an assignment to come up with a seated exercise. I handed Gail a pool noodle cut in half, and—voilà—a new easy, very effective seated exercise is born.

This exercise is a great way to start your day or end your day to loosen up and improve your postures. It:

  1. Facilitates hand/eye coordination and dexterity.
  2. Improves pronation/supination of the arms and hands.
  3. Lengthens tight muscles and connective tissues in your chest and lats (under arms and back).
  4. Strengthens middle back, posterior shoulder and facilitate shoulder blade mobility.
  5. Engages core as you sit straight and tall.

How to Use Your Noodle to Improve Parkinson’s Stooped Posture

    • Sit tall in your chair.
    • Hold noodles in the middle and line them up side by side in front of you.

    • Palms facing down, line up the ends.

    • Keeping your elbows up, flip the noodles, and line up the ends with palms facing up.

    • Keeping the ends lined up, lift both noodles straight in the air looking up with them.

  • Slowly lower them and start over.
  • Repeat 10 times, you can do this many times throughout the day to stay limber.

Ready to fight back Parkinson’s? Schedule an evaluation to get started in Kimberly Berg’s Rock Steady Boxing classes today.

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