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Why the Wide-knee Child’s Pose Helps Parkinson’s Tight Hips

Most people, with or without Parkinson’s, have really tight and maybe even painful hips and lower backs.

Muscles and soft tissue can become “boggy” around these joints and the surrounding areas, making our lower backs and hips painful when we’re trying to sit or walk. I will show you how to do a simple Child’s Pose going into a Modified Frog Pose to help loosen up your hip joints and release your tight muscles.

Check out this video to learn how to do Child’s Pose and Wide-Knee or Modified Frog Pose to help you loosen up your hips: 

Child’s Pose, also known as Balasana, is a beginner yoga pose designed to relax the body and mind and stretch out the spine, thighs, hips, and legs. Child’s Pose can be used as a resting or stretching pose and, along with deep breathing, can calm your mind, reducing anxiety and fatigue.

How To Do Child’s Pose:

Follow these step-by-step instructions for practicing Child’s Pose, then Modified Frog Pose.

  1. Start by warming up your body with a walk or warm bath.
  2. Kneel on your yoga mat and gently sit back, resting your hips against your heels.
  1. Inhale and exhale slowly, allowing your shoulders to relax. Elongate your spine instead of rounding. If it feels too intense or uncomfortable, adjust your body or use props to support a comfortable position (see modifications below).
  1. In your own time, extend your arms out in front of you with your palms face down on the mat, bringing your upper body down to the mat.
  1. If your shoulders are really tight, you can bend your elbows and place your head on the back of your hands.
  1. Rest your forehead on your yoga mat and relax your neck. For added comfort, consider placing a blanket, bolster, pillow, or your hands beneath your forehead. Close your eyes and relax. If you experience a headache, slowly lift your back and shoulders, and sit up to take a break.

To Do the Modified Frog Pose:

  1. Start by stretching out your hips in Child’s Pose. When that becomes comfortable, then come up and slightly widen your knees.
  1. Slowly lower your body between your legs. Take it slow.

Keep In Mind the Following Modifications and Precautions:

  • Do not force your body into any position. Instead, gently ease into it.
  • If your hip joints are really tight, keep your knees together in Child’s Pose, lowering your torso on top of your thighs.
  • If your shoulders are really tight or frozen, let your arms relax behind you, along your thighs, with palms facing up. Use caution when practicing Child’s Pose if you’ve suffered a knee injury.
  • For added support, place a folded blanket or pillow between your calves and thighs to prop you up and take pressure off your knees.
  • If Frog Pose doesn’t work for you, you can always choose another hip-opening exercise and come back to this one later. As an alternative, try this face-up lying hip opener.

Take it slow, explore, and notice any pain or stiffness. If you are patient, this exercise can really help your tight hips. Have fun and keep moving!

💜 Coach Kimberly

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