
Hard Parkinson’s Day? Try This Strategy to Keep In Fighting Shape!

We are entering a new year, a new chapter on our journey. How do you want to start it—strong and positive, or defeated and scared?

If you’ve been having a tough week, a tough month, or even a tough year, you aren’t alone. It’s normal to have days when life feels overwhelming. During those hard days, being brave and positive is the hardest, but that’s when we need it the most.

Going into the new year, I want to equip you with a few positive affirmations to help you feel a little stronger, a bit more brave, and ready to take on the rest of your day—no matter what comes your way.

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Do This Chair Hinging Exercise to Off-set Harmful Parkinson’s Sitting

I was asked to make a video of an actual workout in a chair. Since we know prolonged sitting is detrimental to our health and the progression of Parkinson’s, I made a short video of one complete exercise that not only gets your blood pumping, but also:

  • Stretches your inner thigh and groin muscles to help you walk.
  • Is a starter to getting up out of a chair.
  • Stretches out your back muscles.
  • Is the first move in getting to the ground safely.
  • Uses your vocal cords in voice projection.
  • Works on your arm extension in the last stage.
  • Works on sequencing and brain involvement.
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Is Sitting Harmful for People with Parkinson’s Disease?

The answer to that question is YES!

Research shows that sitting too much is one of the biggest potential threats to our health, and it makes Parkinson’s progress faster.

I’m giving my readers a little tough love with this series. 💪❤️ We must break this habit of sitting most of the day! Last winter, many people with PD saw their health decline rapidly and their symptoms progress because they were sitting for long periods watching TV, on the computer, or reading. With PD, you just cannot do this.

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Do This, Not This to Treat Parkinson’s Stooped Posture

Here is an easy exercise to do, if you do it the right way. It’s actually two exercises in one that you should be doing throughout the day.

To get started, you can do this exercise seated or standing. Doing this exercise takes some imagination, which is really great for your brain!

Watch the “Do This, Not This To Treat Parkinson’s Stooped Posture” video here:

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How to Treat Parkinson’s Stooped Posture With a Ball

As we finish up another round of Posture School, I am reminding my students that they have to do their extension exercises daily to continue to get the benefits and not slide back into their stooped posture.

With Parkinson’s, your chest muscles tighten, creating a flexed-forward posture. This creates a host of problems, including back pain. You can use a 45-centimeter yoga ball to facilitate some great extension in your muscles, improving pain and your posture.

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