
The Easiest Way To Boost Your Brain Function and Energy if You Have Parkinson’s

The brain is approximately 85 percent water, and brain function—including the nervous system—depends on having abundant access to water. 

The average person in the U.S. drinks less than a quart (32 ounces) of water a day. Yet, according to the Mayo Clinic, the average adult loses more than 80 ounces of water every day through sweating, breathing, and eliminating wastes.

If you are drinking less than 80 ounces of water a day, no wonder you have brain fog!

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Do This To Treat Eye Tracking Issues With Parkinson’s

People with Parkinson’s Disease may have a variety of symptoms related to their vision, such as difficulty reading, double vision, and dry eyes. But did you know that having trouble tracking a target can cause serious balance issues and falls? Fortunately, there are simple exercises you can do to improve your eye tracking ability and prevent these problems from developing.

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How Corrective Eye Movements Can Improve Balance With Parkinson’s

People with Parkinson’s Disease may have a variety of symptoms related to their vision, such as difficulty reading, double vision, and dry eyes. But did you know that having trouble tracking a target can cause serious balance issues and falls? While these problems don’t affect every person with PD, it is important to know that you can improve your ability to track and move your eyes quickly with simple exercises.

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Do This To Decrease Your Risk of Falls From Parkinson’s

Cognitive ability has a direct relationship to falling risk in people with Parkinson’s. Research shows that people who score poorly on cognitive tests also fall more often.

We know that adding a cognitive challenge to a physical task improves both your physical condition and brain function, particularly your executive functioning ability. That’s why we train people with brain games in our classes to improve their cognition, decrease their risk for falls, and improve executive functioning.

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Why Aren’t My Parkinson’s Medications Working? Could It Be What I’m Eating?

One of my students said he heard at a conference that eating protein interferes with Sinemet, and that this made him confused. “I’ve been on this drug for months and no one ever told me about this. I was told to take Sinemet with food so it doesn’t upset my stomach, so I’ve been eating it with a beef sandwich.” Then another student said, “I have heard three different time frames regarding when to eat protein.”

So I decided to call around and see what pharmacists had to say. While I received several different versions of the rules, there was an underlying reasoning which was consistent.

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