
How to Relieve Shoulder Pain from Parkinson’s with Myofascial Release

Parkinson’s disease affects the brain and nervous system to create a lack of awareness for the body to stand up straight, which can lead to many issues including tight muscles. The forward rounding posture caused by Parkinson’s can cause serious shoulder pain as well as other complications due to poor posture.

Luckily, there are great exercises and tips to improve your posture and relieve shoulder pain caused by Parkinson’s. Continue reading “How to Relieve Shoulder Pain from Parkinson’s with Myofascial Release”

Improve Posture and Shoulder Pain with this Super Shoulder Exercise for Parkinson’s

The muscles of the upper back are very important to posture and the stabilization of the shoulder. The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body which means it’s predisposed to injuries and pain.

Specifically for people with Parkinson’s, the upper back and shoulders are prone to pain and dysfunction because of poor posture associated with rounded backs created by Parkinson’s disease.

This Parkinson’s shoulder exercise activates your upper back muscles and will help you improve your posture and relieve your shoulder pain. Continue reading “Improve Posture and Shoulder Pain with this Super Shoulder Exercise for Parkinson’s”

3 Must Know Back Stretches to Survive Yard Work and Gardening

Let’s face it the yard waits for no one. When the weather gets nice, we want to be outside and enjoy it. It feels we have one day to get everything done, which often leads to sore over-worked backs. Yard work and gardening are almost always forward flexing of the spine. This leads to very over stretched posterior back muscles.

The following are some simple yard work survival back stretches to get your back ready for all that hard work! Don’t forget to keep stretching during breaks. Continue reading “3 Must Know Back Stretches to Survive Yard Work and Gardening”

Longevity: Getting Up Off The Ground Without Use Of Hands

Can we predict longevity? Here is a great inspiration to start the new year, Steve B, a fighter in Rock Steady Boxing Portland. He has learned to get up and down off the ground without use of hands. This is no easy feat. It takes balance, strength and flexibility. Steve worked to be able to do this and yes, Steve has Parkinson’s Disease. You can hear him in the clip say one side is easier than the other. Obviously for someone with PD it’s going to be more difficult on his PD affected side, but I have taught many people without PD to do this over the years, and everyone has a more difficult side. Continue reading “Longevity: Getting Up Off The Ground Without Use Of Hands”

Cathie, “Changing the Face of Parkinson’s Disease”

Our amazing fighters here at Rock Steady Boxing Portland challenge each other and themselves everyday. Cathie and her fellow fighters do not let Parkinson’s define them, they are enjoying their triumphs and enjoying the successes of each other. We are “Changing the “Face of Parkinson’s Disease”  Would you guess she has Parkinson’s disease?

Continue reading “Cathie, “Changing the Face of Parkinson’s Disease””