
Cathie, “Changing the Face of Parkinson’s Disease”

Our amazing fighters here at Rock Steady Boxing Portland challenge each other and themselves everyday. Cathie and her fellow fighters do not let Parkinson’s define them, they are enjoying their triumphs and enjoying the successes of each other. We are “Changing the “Face of Parkinson’s Disease”  Would you guess she has Parkinson’s disease?

Jumping rope hits almost every muscle in the body in some way, but it’s main target is your calves, quadriceps (top of thigh), glutes (butt), bicep (front of upper arm), triceps(back of upper arm), forearms, deltoids, and core (abdominals, lower back, and obliques). All Rock Steady boxers jump rope in some form or another.

In addition to the cardiovascular and physiological benefits of rope jumping, it’s a mental challenge. You have to get the rope over your head and time it perfectly with your hips and feet. If you have ankle rigidity, this exercise helps as it encourages you to hinge your ankle and foot with velocity. If you are stooped over, the rope will not turn very easy or not at all. This encourages my fighters to stand erect in order to accomplish head clearance on the initial swing. It’s a great exercise with great benefits. If you can’t jump, just step over the rope, you still get some benefit.

This next year you’ll be hearing a lot more about these mighty fighters and introducing more exercises and the “Rose City Knock-Outs” Beautiful women of all ages who have Parkinson’s and are defying stereotypes and becoming strong and fighting back…Look out Parkinson’s!!

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