
What Does It Really Take To Slow Down Parkinson’s Disease? Are You Doing It?

Instead of asking, “What is the bare minimum I must do to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s?” ask yourself: “What fun things can I do that will have the biggest impact?”

What if slowing your Parkinson’s included fun, learning, and making true friends who understand you and make you laugh? What if your coach felt like a friend who appreciates your challenges and celebrates your wins? Here at the Rebel Fit Club, you can feel stronger, faster, and more focused—almost as if during your time in class, you don’t have PD. As a coach, I hear this all the time. My fighters love attending class. It’s a safe place where they can be themselves.

It takes showing up and giving your 100%, whatever that is on a given day. It means taking extra classes to work your body’s endurance, strength, agility, balance, and cognitive ability. It’s frustrating to hear people say, “I don’t have time for all that exercise.” If you don’t take the time now, you’ll be forced to take time later. It won’t be fun.

Here’s proof that our formula works:

A Tale of Two Friends

Rebel Fit Knock-Outs Madeline and Chrisann both had recent visits with their neurologist, where they were scored on 100 characteristics of PD (the lower the score, the better). Both ladies scored better this visit than their previous time. Chrisann scored 9, down from 15, and Madeline scored 8! Now they are in a playful competition to see who can score better yet.

Both women attend multiple Rebel Fit Club classes per week, in the gym and virtually, including our Boxing Boot Camps, Posture School, PWR! and Stretch.

Research shows each additional day of specialized exercise you add increases your brain response. These ladies are proof of that. Congratulations and Game On!

💜 Coach Kimberly

Ready to take back your fight? 

Contact me to get started in Kimberly Berg’s Rebel Fit Club Parkinson’s Boxing classes today. We have online workouts, too!

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